Outbound Marketing and Inbound Marketing: Finding the Balance

inbound vs outbound marketing

Marketing discussions today seem to revolve around why outbound marketing is ruinous, and inbound marketing the only way to go. At Mot Juste, however, our experience in the industry makes us think differently – that the answer lies in finding the right balance between the two.

Outbound Marketing

What it is

Outbound marketing refers to any marketing initiative where the business identifies its audience and sends out a message – whether or not they have opted to receive it. This is also known as “push” marketing, and ranges from the traditional radio, TV and print ads to email blasts, cold calls, and pop-up ads on the internet. It also includes events like trade shows.

How much it costs

Outbound marketing is generally expensive, as it involves a larger audience and a mass media platform. It is also harder to track, because there is really no way to measure the actual number of people who view and take action in response to the marketing initiative.

However, despite this, outbound marketing is still a major part of the marketing initiatives undertaken by large businesses. We’ll explain why in a minute.

When it comes to medium and small-sized businesses, outbound marketing may not be a very feasible option. With the rapid rise of ad blocking techniques across platforms today, outbound marketing is facing challenges in terms of lower yields, and higher costs of investment.

When you should use it

Outbound marketing is getting a bad reputation, but that’s because it is being overused and abused. It has been nicknamed “interruption marketing” – a TV ad that interrupts your favourite show, a telemarketer who interrupts your date night, a pop-up ad that interrupts your reading of an interesting blog post, and so on.

If used strategically, however, outbound marketing methods can become a great way to familiarise audiences with your brand name. Especially when it comes to large brands in product-based business lines, familiarity with the brand name goes a long way towards influencing sales. For example, you are more likely to pick up a soap or shampoo whose advertisement you have already seen, rather than one whose name you’ve never heard before.

How Mot Juste can help

At Mot Juste, we believe that outbound marketing is like treading on a tightrope – leaning too much to either side can have devastating results. Moreover, when it comes to outbound marketing, choosing the right time and the right resources is as important as choosing the right kind of initiative.

We can help you with understanding what’s best for you and taking up the end-to-end implementation of outbound marketing through design and delivery of emailers to your database, SMS blasts to your database, intelligent telecalling to prospects from your database or from publicly available web sources, creation of flyers and newspaper inserts, and digital advertising (social media marketing and search engine marketing). Most of these methods are digital, and therefore also offer better tracking of results.

Inbound Marketing

What it is

Inbound marketing refers to marketing initiatives where content created by the business draws prospective customers in – piquing their interest and encouraging them to make contact with the sales team from their end. This type of marketing involves activity that creates a “pull” effect, by giving the audience something that will be of value to them. Primarily, inbound marketing involves content marketing, educational or informative videos, whitepapers, webinars, social media marketing, search engine optimisation, and so on.

How much it costs

When compared to outbound marketing, inbound marketing is cheaper. It is also almost entirely digital, meaning that it is easy to track – everything from views to clicks can be measured, and it’s often attached to a specific call-to-action. Results are therefore easier to analyse.

Finally, because the communication is especially targeted at a smaller, more specific audience, inbound marketing tends to generate high-quality leads.

When you should use it

If you are looking for immediate results, inbound marketing is not for you!

Inbound marketing is to be used for brand building, awareness generation and, of course, to establish your business as an industry thought leader. Content should be built consciously, and should be well-written, original and curated to intrigue, educate, inspire and draw in the prospective customer. Inbound marketing strategies usually lead clients through the below four stages:

1. Attract using content users are looking for, where and when they’re looking for it

2. Convert with forms, calls-to-action or landing pages to turn visitors into leads

3. Close by undertaking follow-up initiatives after the lead has shown interest

4. Delight through continued customer engagement, to build loyal relationships

An inbound marketing strategy is also a great way to develop a legitimate database of prospects who can later be targeted through emailers, SMS and other methods of outbound marketing.

How Mot Juste can help

With over 30 years’ experience in the industry, we at Mot Juste are the experts at content marketing! Depending on the type of business you are, we can create a “pull” marketing communication strategy that suits your specific industry and audience.

Our services in inbound marketing include creation of thought-provoking artworks, landing pages and calls-to-action (CTAs), SEO and SEM, building an atmosphere of thought leadership, and running real-world campaigns that resonate with the right audience.

We can work with your marketing team to devise and promote interesting offers, design physical and digital events to build leads, stay in touch with prospects through email marketing, and contact influencers.

Should your business opt for inbound or outbound marketing, or a combination of both? Ask Mot Juste today!

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