Do You Really Need User Manuals for Your Products?

user manuals

A user manual is a comprehensive technical document covering the spectrum of functions of a product or system, with detailed instructions on how to use it efficiently. The manual serves as a written guide to simplify the handling of software, computer hardware, and electronic goods. The purpose of the document is to provide information on how to use the product properly in order to reduce the risk of damage.

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SEO-Friendly Content: Traversing the Landscape of Content Marketing

SEO friendly content

It’s 2019, and though the term “SEO” has become nearly synonymous with content, it remains elusive. Writing for effective SEO is something of a Herculean task; many a good content writer has worked hard to find that perfect balance between delivering content with substance and maximising results. But why is that? What makes this idea of writing content for optimised search-engine results so difficult to wrap our heads around?

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